Custom designed windsocks and fiberglass windsock poles.
We specialize in custom orders and pride ourselves on assisting you in getting the windsock you need.
We put logos and scripting on your windsocks and feathers to help you promote your company, event or celebration or even election candidate - just ask us about it. |
Portable Windsocks! We sell portable windsocks for fire departments and rescue crews. Also available are "Command Post", "Decon" and "Triage" portable windsocks. The portable units are also available in any color combination using our other 7 colors of fabric. Our portable windsocks are used by military units, storm chasers, hang glider and ultralight pilots.
Portable Windsocks
Portable EMS Windsocks |
Just The Windsocks! These pages are for those customers that just want the windsocks. Choose from 2 styles, 7 colors and a variety of sizes. Our standard aviation orange windsocks are sent to customers around the world. Our windsocks are popular and displayed in theme parks, petroleum and chemical companies as well as airports, air fields, RC parks and farms.
Just the Windsock |

Custom Scripting & Logos! Many of our customers request company logos, messages or names on their windsock. Go to this page to see just a few of the windsocks we've made with scripting and logos. The costs vary by job but we can write just about anything on your windsocks. Call our 800 number to find out how to get your logo on a windsock.
Custom Windsocks |
Replacement Windsocks! If your windsock mount on a metal frame, we make replacement windsocks for you. We make replacement windsocks in solid, striped or ringed colors - even a patriotic replacement. Call our 800 number if you can't find the right color(s) for your windsock on our replacement windsock page.
Replacement Windsocks |

Windsock Hitch Mount! You wanted an even faster way to raise your portable windsock ... here is the new hitch mount. Check out this handy item designed especially for those of you that are on the move and need your windsock available quick. These windsock hitch mounts are perfect for park ranger trucks, fire trucks, rescue vehicles and as you can see, our Ford!
Trailer hitch mounted Windsocks. |
Feathers! Also known as lawn sails and wind feathers, these 13' feathers catch the eye. Visit the Feather page to see examples even some with scripting. Feathers are great for advertising because they are tall, they flutter in the slightest breeze and are colorful. Feathers come with a carry all stuff sack.
Lawn Sails & Wind Feathers |

How It Works! (Frequently Asked Questions)! Got questions about any of our windsocks or other products? Visit the How It Works page to get quick answers to your questions. If your question is not answered by this section, call our 800 number and will answer any question you have ... we love talking about windsocks!
How a our Windsocks Work.

Need funds? The Orange Twister is the opportunity you seek! You've seen it advertised in the Daily Beacon, now make it your own private cash cow!
Orange Twisters |

Spinsocks! Spinsocks are a wonderful, decorative item. In addition to our windsocks, we offer not just spinsocks but spinbaskets and poles to mount them. All these items are available in multiple sizes. Check out the Spinsocks page to add some color to your company event or yard.
Spinsocks |

Telescopic Poles! Poles designed for spinsocks and twisters. Shipping included in the price. These poles are tall enough to permit the spinsocks or twisters to catch the wind and rotate freely.
Telescopic Poles. |
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Index for this section. |
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