K & N Air Filter Service Instructions
- Tap the element to dislodge any large embedded dirt, then gently brush it a soft
bristle brush.
- Spray K & N Air filter cleaner liberally onto the entire element and let filter
soak for about 10 minutes.

- Rinse off the element with low pressure water. Tap water is OK. Always flush from the
clean side to the dirty side. This removes the dirt and does not drive it into the filter.
Use only K & N air filter cleaner!

Do Not use gasoline!
Do Not steam clean!
Do Not use caustic leaning solutions!
Do Not use strong detergents!
Do Not use high pressure car wash!
Do Not use parts cleaning solvents!
The use of any of the above can cause harm to the COTTON filter media,
plus shrink and harden the rubber end caps.
- Always dry naturally. After rinsing , shake off all excess water and let the element
dry naturally.
Do Not use compressed air
Do Not use open flame
Do Not use heat dryers
Excess heat will shrink the cotton filter media. While compressed air will blow holes
in the element.
- After cleaning air filter always re-oil before using. If using K&N aerosol -
spray oil down into each pleat with one pass per pleat. WAIT 10 minutes and
re-oil any
white spots still showing.
If using K&N squeeze bottle - squeeze K&N air filter oil down into the bottom
and along each pleat - only one pass per pleat. Let oil wick into cotton for 20 minutes.
Re-oil any white spots still showing.
- Reinstall your K&N airfilter element. Make sure that clamp is tight and airfilter
is safety wired.
Never use a K&N air filter without oil. (The filter will not stop the dirt without the
oil.) Use only K&N formulated air filter oil.
K&N air filter oil is a compound of mineral and animal oil blended with special
polymers to form a very efficient tack barrier. Red dye is added to show just where you
have applied the oil. Eventually the red color will fade but the oil will remain and will
filter the air.
Never Use automatic transmission fluid!
Never Use motor oil!
Never Use diesel fuel!
Never Use WD-40, LPS, or other light weight oils!
Performance Hints
Service airfilter every 6 months or 50 hours of airtime - more frequently in dirty
The K&N airfilter designed for AIRCRAFT applications has a tab on it that allows the
filter(s) to be safety wired to the carburetor.